Friday, June 1, 2012

HTML's little Introduction

"HTML" which is used for making  web page.You may be made your web page by
using software,but many of them have no knowledge about "HTML". So there is a question why you learn it.
Because you don't overcome some problem by using this software.So it's important to learn "HTML".

"HTML" means 'Hyper Markup  language'. It's  not a complete programming language. Therefore most  of  the rendering of  the pages of web browser are in "HTML"  language.It  is  easy to learn "HTML". If  you use  Windows operating you need a notepad for write HTML language.On  the other side if you use
Linux or  Mac users  you can use G-edit,K-edit,X-edit.

Most  of the time we use image in our web page.At  the time of making web page we write "src" & then we write a location where my image stay.After making web page when we  it open in my own computer & it perform correctly  but when we put it in a server it doesn't work  perfectly.Here  we find a cross sign  in  lieu of  image.
Because in the server  the page  search that image ,but it doesn't find that image .So when you use image in your web page you must  copy that image in the same folder where your web page  is & then use that present location in  HTML language.
After that  when you transfer your page in a server  you mustn't forget to transfer that image folder  with that page.OK i think you understand what i say.So make your own web page .

Reputation ManagementSubmit Express Information,Science&Technology

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